Monday 15 October 2012

What's your 'leap of faith'?

Felix Baumgartner has just jumped out of a capsule from the edge of space (gulp!!), breaking a few world records in the process.

But to heck with the facts and figures....what about the courage it took to do it?

What about the confidence to see it through when things didn't go exactly to plan?

What about the fear, and feeling of being completely alone up there?

And, hell...what about the sheer excitement of it all - woohooo!!

Yet for all the stuff we worry ourselves silly about every day, he says this:

' Sometimes you have to go up really high to realise how small you are'

In comparison to life itself, our problems are small, and most are surmountable.

So, instead of focusing on problems , do as Felix is doing - enjoy life to the max.

Push yourself to reach something new. Dare yourself to be different. Power through any problems you feel you have.

And whilst you are alive - take a giant leap of faith with that one thing you have always wanted to do....but haven't (because of all the excuses you give yourself).

Go on, I dare you.
Straightforward, straight talking coach.

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