Tuesday 30 October 2012

This will SCARE the pants off you......

Grim or what?
So here, we are - almost Halloween again, and we are dressing up to scare and be scared...

Well I don't want to be the Grim Reaper (c'mon I don't even look scary!), but you really don't have to wait for Halloween to be scared.

As a straight talking (and ok, brutally honest) coach, have a think about this:

  • How long do you think you have left to live your life?
  • If you don't have the answer to that .... it could end at anytime, am I right ?
  • So if it could end at anytime....would you be happy if that time was right now?
  • (..I'm kinda hoping that's a 'NO' by the way)

I can't tell you how many people I have coached, who were going through life without 'living' it.
They were taking everything they had for granted, living life with no real purpose and ABSOLUTELY , DEFINITELY not making the best of who they are.
And that, my friends is like a 'red rag to a bull' for me.

Because all of that usually results in them becoming 'invisible'...

Not being noticed at work.
Not winning in sports
Not making it as a singer/performer
Not attracting the partner they desperately want.
Not having fun with friends.
Not knowing where they are going in life - just drifting along aimlessly.
Spending time thinking how lucky other people are and how hard a hand they've been dealt in life.

So if you recognise any of this in yourself - don't expect me to feel goddam sorry for you.
Allow me to 'shake you up' (and wake you up) instead!!

There is a pretty cool life out there waiting for those who want it BADLY enough.
If that's you, go on - take it!

- Decide where you want to be
- Decide how good you are going to be
- Decide how you want others to see you
- Decide how you want to feel
- Decide how soon you're gonna start
- Decide not to give up on yourself.
- Decide to MAKE A PLAN.

Because. life. can. be. too. short.
Got the message?

Now, have a Happy Halloween......I dare you.
Straightforward, straight talking, and today - scary , coach.

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