Tuesday 30 October 2012

This will SCARE the pants off you......

Walkahead Blog: This will SCARE the pants off you......:   So here, we are - almost Halloween again, and we are dressing up to scare and be scared ... Well I don't want to be t...

This will SCARE the pants off you......

Grim or what?
So here, we are - almost Halloween again, and we are dressing up to scare and be scared...

Well I don't want to be the Grim Reaper (c'mon I don't even look scary!), but you really don't have to wait for Halloween to be scared.

As a straight talking (and ok, brutally honest) coach, have a think about this:

  • How long do you think you have left to live your life?
  • If you don't have the answer to that .... it could end at anytime, am I right ?
  • So if it could end at anytime....would you be happy if that time was right now?
  • (..I'm kinda hoping that's a 'NO' by the way)

I can't tell you how many people I have coached, who were going through life without 'living' it.
They were taking everything they had for granted, living life with no real purpose and ABSOLUTELY , DEFINITELY not making the best of who they are.
And that, my friends is like a 'red rag to a bull' for me.

Because all of that usually results in them becoming 'invisible'...

Not being noticed at work.
Not winning in sports
Not making it as a singer/performer
Not attracting the partner they desperately want.
Not having fun with friends.
Not knowing where they are going in life - just drifting along aimlessly.
Spending time thinking how lucky other people are and how hard a hand they've been dealt in life.

So if you recognise any of this in yourself - don't expect me to feel goddam sorry for you.
Allow me to 'shake you up' (and wake you up) instead!!

There is a pretty cool life out there waiting for those who want it BADLY enough.
If that's you, go on - take it!

- Decide where you want to be
- Decide how good you are going to be
- Decide how you want others to see you
- Decide how you want to feel
- Decide how soon you're gonna start
- Decide not to give up on yourself.
- Decide to MAKE A PLAN.

Because. life. can. be. too. short.
Got the message?

Now, have a Happy Halloween......I dare you.
Straightforward, straight talking, and today - scary , coach.

Monday 15 October 2012

What's your 'leap of faith'?

Felix Baumgartner has just jumped out of a capsule from the edge of space (gulp!!), breaking a few world records in the process.

But to heck with the facts and figures....what about the courage it took to do it?

What about the confidence to see it through when things didn't go exactly to plan?

What about the fear, and feeling of being completely alone up there?

And, hell...what about the sheer excitement of it all - woohooo!!

Yet for all the stuff we worry ourselves silly about every day, he says this:

' Sometimes you have to go up really high to realise how small you are'

In comparison to life itself, our problems are small, and most are surmountable.

So, instead of focusing on problems , do as Felix is doing - enjoy life to the max.

Push yourself to reach something new. Dare yourself to be different. Power through any problems you feel you have.

And whilst you are alive - take a giant leap of faith with that one thing you have always wanted to do....but haven't (because of all the excuses you give yourself).

Go on, I dare you.
Straightforward, straight talking coach.


Monday 8 October 2012

Walkahead Blog: The X Factor.... It's not about the voice.

Walkahead Blog: The X Factor.... It's not about the voice.: We've already seen a few examples on this season's X Factor so far, when the strongest voices don't always get moved forward - but last nig...

The X Factor.... It's not about the voice.

We've already seen a few examples on this season's X Factor so far, when the strongest voices don't always get moved forward - but last nights example - the 'vote off' between Rylan and Carolynne was the most public yet.

It seemed that Louis  just couldn't make up his mind who to save between the two.
But that's just baloney. Of course he could.

But want he wanted to do (or was told to do - you choose) , was to create some controversy, bring on some 'shock factor' , get people talking, fire everyone up.
It worked.

There has been tons of talk (real life and twitter) , and , X Factor is hot stuff in the news again - see example below:


So if the producers want to increase their viewer numbers...has it worked, or has it turned people off?.
Time will tell.

For now though, the singers will be in turmoil, and as Rylan skips along for another week (and I do like him), poor Carolynne bore the brunt of it.
Clearly a good singer, gorgeous to look at, and desperate for fame.

She's not the first good one to be spat out of the XFactor machine, nor will she be the last.
And sadly when the fuss has died down, she may well struggle to get any more attention to help her achieve her goal.

As a coach to some of the previous XFactor contestants, I know they get little support when it's all over. Which is when they need it the most.

The programme should be re - titled: The X Factor - It's not about the voice.

Having a good voice, is not, and has never been , good enough.
You need much, much more to win people over.
That's where I come in.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.