Thursday 8 January 2009

How low is your interest rate?

Great news! The Bank of England has cut the interest rate again-it's now the lowest since records began....

Not so great news!....What if interest in you is low? what if it's the lowest since you began?

This got me thinking.

Here's an opportunity to have twice the amount of great news.

What if interest rate in you is the highest it's ever been? Wouldn't that help you create some security in your life? Wouldn't that make you feel that whatever is happening in the world, you are more popular, more needed, more valuable, than ever?

This is the very time that we all need this. But what are we (most of us) doing about it?

I'll give you a clue. Nothing. Zero. Naff all.

We're doing the opposite in fact. Worrying. Stressing about 'what might happen next'. Assuming it's gonna get worse.

In fact it might if we continue on this dodgy path of thinking.

Instead, why not introduce a fantastic, 'special offer' (that's what banks do don't they?) starting today.

It's the Bank of You. Only better.

A 'You package' that offers:

  1. A positive attitude every day.

  2. Solutions/suggestions -not problems.

  3. An action taker (there's too many people out there waiting for things to happen)

  4. Energy and enthusiasm that is so good it scares the pants of people.

  5. Consistency. This isn't a short term package, it's a package for life.

How many companies/colleagues/friends get this every day? How many, right now, need this?

That's right-everyone.

Being an 'interesting,of value and good to have around' person is not only in short supply, it's damn well scarce.

So get your brain in gear, get yourself known and heard- and watch your interest rate soar.

Now that really is great news.

Amana x

Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.

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