Friday 2 January 2009

Easy Ways To Be Successful in 2009

Ever thought it’s unfair that so many people seem to have a successful or glamorous life-and you don’t?

Well here’s some good news for you.

Firstly-many people, who look ‘visually successful’, are not.
Oh I know, they wear the latest fashions, and are seen in all the right places.
But that's not the whole truth.

Secondly, the more successful you feel on the inside, the more you will become it on the outside.

Of course, how to measure success is a real personal thing. It can come in the shape of a happy home life, being healthy, owning your own business, being financially rich or doing a good job wherever you work. You decide.

Ok, for many , riches and glamour are the ultimate ‘symbols’, but without that inner confidence that you have ‘made it’-it starts to feel shallow and meaningless after a while. Just look at how many celebrities are unhappy in their personal life.

So, do you want to know how to be and feel successful then?

Check out these top 3 tips:

1. Focus on (and think about) what you do want-not on what you don’t want!
Sound daft? Not when you consider that many people spend their life ‘grumbling’ about what they don’t have instead of pulling out all the stops to get what they want. Write it down,set goals and hold yourself responsible for achieving them.

2. Choose to stay positive.
You’ll get far more help from others that way, it will spur you on when life doesn’t go according to plan (yep, that will happen)-and being positive is an essential ingredient in the make up of truly successful people. So start acting the part!

3. Think about what you have in your life today that’s good!
Don’t take it for granted. Savour it. Be grateful.
Remember there are millions out there who don’t have what you have
Right now.

Before you say to yourself ‘is that it?’….I will warn you that if you do the above things once and expect to see your success rocket-you might be a tad disappointed. Sorry. You see to be a success, you have to do these things as a matter of habit, you know, every day-and the trick is, if you really do want to achieve something-you don’t give up.

Get it?

So, come on, hold yourself up. Tell yourself you’re gorgeous, and put on your best accessories –which are -that huge smile, and that ‘I can do anything attitude’!!!

Here’s to your success in 2009!

Amana x

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