Tuesday 13 January 2009

How To Get That Job!-On Air with KCFM (1)

So today (5th Jan) was the first in a series of 3 sessions when I talked to Rob Langley on KCFM's 'after 11' show about how to, in different ways, get that job!.

Here's the key points from this session, which was all about how you can start to help yourself:

  1. Being redundant/Unemployed is a difficult time for anyone, and there are thousands out there in the same position as you-so don't take it personally, it's all because the country(and world) has hit an economic slump. You are as good as anyone out there-and there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are jobs and opportunities-tell yourself you'll find one.

  2. Fire up your self belief-you will need to stay hopeful and in a good frame of mind. Is it easy? Of course not, but the more you believe in you-and your abilities-the more reason you will give others to believe in you.

  3. What are you good at?-Write down your strenghths and experience. Remember those times when you were doing really well. Play to your strengths-try not to focus so much on what you are not good at-this will make you feel low.

  4. Sell yourself well in your CV-get help with it if you need to. This isn't about showing off-it's about showing you, be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished (as long as your honest!). A good CV can help you get through the door. It doesn't have to be fancy with big words-but it does need to give companies some good reasons to see you.

  5. Network! This is all about getting out and about (even in the pub!) and talking to people who you know-and chatting to people to get to know them. The more people who know you are job searching-and who you genuinely impress-the more chances you are giving yourself. Networking isn't all about men in suits...it's about talking to people, making friends and spreading your influence. If you can talk to your mates in the pub without a problem-you can network without a problem. Try it!

Having been made redundant myself -I know how low you can get emotionally, but the more you help yourself to get out of the 'rut' of feeling this way-the more positive signals you are giving out. And that's gotta be good!

In the next session..13th Jan...we will be talking about Interviews-and how to make the best of them.

Until then, have a go at putting these tips into practise!

Amana x

Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.



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