Monday 7 January 2013

Say 'No' to New Year Resolutions..

I know, it sounds plain wrong for a coach to be advising you against making plans.
But New Year Resolutions aren't just any old plans - they are the kind we make just for fun.

Aw come on! - You know it's true.
It makes us feel good to think up something, but we know damn well we aren't gonna stick to
them really  (even though we get caught up in the initial burst of excitement).

We do it because it's the thing to do at this time of year.
And you know I'm right so don't kid yourself!

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of having a new start for a new year....but when we label our plans as something traditionally seen as a bit of fun, then all too often the plans are heading down the pan. And then we feel low because we couldn't stick to them!

 So what's the alternative?

1.  Drop the flippin' label (NYResolutions) , and think seriously about what you want to achieve this year (or who you want to be).

2. Only consider putting pen to paper for stuff that is an absolute burning desire (i.e 'I could do to lose a few pounds' is not big or burning enough  to move you into action!).

3. Make them big - but keep it simple. No more than 2/3 goals that you absolutely , desperately, want with a passion to achieve (got that?)..

4. Give yourself some dates to achieve them by. By all means have some interim dates to break your goals down to smaller chunks, but give yourself a deadline to achieve the lot.

5. Don't be hard on yourself. It takes strength, guts and a shed load of encouragement to change behaviour and get something you want. Get help from friends, family, workmates.....just in case you even dare to think about giving up (hell no!).

And if you think you'll need more help than that to get what you want. Get yourself a damn good coach who will push you all the way, and power you on when you have lost the will.

So say 'NO' to fancy resolutions and a blinking big 'YES' to making some personal changes this year.
Shake a leg, and GET. SERIOUS. about. it.

Yeah, I'm harsh.
Straightforward, straight talking coach.

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