Monday 24 January 2011

What Now?

Christmas is a distant memory...the fun of New Year has gone,and we are well into January 2013.

So What Now?

Are you raring to go or already fed up? Is this going to be YOUR year, or are you struggling to keep yourself motivated?

Newspapers and Magazines are full of tips for mind, body and soul- so there's no shortage of help at hand.

But tips aren't always the stuff that's needed.
Often, it's you. Isn't it?

You are the one who has the answers- you just don't want to face them. Yet.
It's much easier to look at (and read about) other peoples' lives. How they might be struggling, what's going well (or not) for them. Especially celebrities.

Looking outside is much more comfortable than looking within. At ourselves.

I say- as a coach (and I am mean) be uncomfortable ! Get out of your comfy comfort zone, kick your own ass and get moving!

Get living! ..and don't wait until Monday (what a lame excuse). Today is the best day to start.
Stop giving yourself excuses. Think about what you want to do with your life (and with yourself) this year and make a god damn plan!

Set your goals high , give yourself some deadline dates - and set yourself on fire with determination!


Get yourself a coach who will give you the kick you need.
....But if you want easy. Don't ask me.

Heck, I'm really mean.
But good.

Straightforward, straight talking Coach.

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