Monday 21 June 2010

Whose side are you on?

Are you look for some answers?

If you are, then I have good news for you.

I know how you can find them.

It doesn't matter what answers you are looking for , they are all valid and important-and the questions may lead you to be in turmoil. The kind of questions that I have most commonly heard and helped people with are:

1. When will I be successful?

2. Will I ever find the right partner for me?

3. Why does bad luck keep happening to me?

4. Will I ever be slim/attractive?

5. Am I going to find happiness?

If any of these apply to you, then you'll know what I mean when I say that you torture yourself regularly (every day?) with your own personal story of misfortune-truly believing that you are on your own and doubting whether you will get what you want out of life.

You may hear yourself saying: 'poor me', 'stupid me' , 'ugly me' or 'loser me'-none of which are true and none of which will help you. in any way ,shape or form. Got that?

These labels are damaging and disabling.

But you know that don't you?

(And don't get me started on how they make you feel!).

So whose side are you on?

Find out by listening to yourself. Catch yourself 'talking yourself down' and 'talk yourself up' instead (yep even if you feel daft doing it).

Become your No.1 Fan. Here's why:

- We have more chance of winning when we are supported (by anyone).

- We try harder when we know someone will praise and encourage us .

- We take more risks if we feel brave. We feel brave when we have rock solid support.

- The more we grow, the more we know (and vice versa!).

- See yourself the way you want others to see you.(pretty damn good, if not fantastic).

Allow yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and give yourself all the encouragement you would give your closest friend / family member.

It's time to stop asking the questions and start discovering the answers.

You have them already.

All of them.

Ok, they may not be the perfect answers-but they are the right ones for this moment in time. They will lead you in the direction you want to be.

Get on your own side, and start winning.


Straighttalking Coach.

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