Friday 13 March 2009

Red (nose) Friday the 13th

Go on-have a laugh!
Reasons to be cheerful-part one!

-Smiling uses fewer facial muscles than frowning(less wrinkles!)
-Laughter changes your mood-to a good one
-Good old belly laughing is a known (free) cure for illness
-You are always more attractive when you smile
-People warm to you when you are fun and enthusiastic-so be a magnet
-It's good to give-time, money, ears (to listen), pressies, chat, jokes,a drink, help
-You are alive- one day you won't be
-Whatever your problems are-someone out there has bigger ones
-Count yourself lucky, because you are.
-Someone out there loves you...even if you don't know it
-Why be unhappy anyway?-it's a waste of energy.
-Chillax...we worry about the most stupid things


-13 is a very lucky number-watch out for the good things happening to you today-they are there!

.....I'm off to look in the mirror, and make myself laugh!

Amana x
Straightforward, straighttalking coach

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