Monday 25 February 2013

Enough talent to win a flippin' OSCAR...

I've watched enough celebrities...and everyday people like you and me, all yearning to be different. Or better .
It's almost as if the current person they are isn't good enough. Doesn't stand out enough. And doesn't make them happy enough.

If you feel like that - I'd like to challenge you - and also reassure you.

We have become SO good at comparing ourselves to others, it 's easy to want to change.
But into what?
For who?
And ...WHY?

Let me take a good look at you. And into you.


Here's what I see - someone who can't see just what they have going for them. Someone who has lost their sparkle (or had it knocked out of them). Someone who has fooled themselves into thinking that they are not good enough. You have enough ingredients in you to set the world on fire. You have the tools to achieve anything you want, and your external image is just 'packaging' - if you want to dabble with that - that's OK.

It's what is inside that's the real you. And the real you has TALENT.

Don't change what you have - just FIND it.
(It's buried under a pile of doubt). But it's there alright - oh yeah.

Here's how (part 1)...

1. Get a piece of paper and write on it, all the things that you would change about yourself.
2. Now tear it up and shove it in the bin.
3. Get a piece of paper and write on it 3 things that you think were once great about you.
4. For everything you have written that's good . Remind yourself that those things are still in there, or you're still capable of doing/getting/ being 'it'.
5. At the top of your piece of paper - write the sentence : 'The brand new me'

Don't change what you have - just find it.

No one can make you feel bad, unless YOU allow them to. So why would you?

Worked for Alicia Keys....and will work for you:

'..It's just a brand new kinda me
Can't be bad
I found a brand new kinda free..'

Don't change what you have - just FIND it.
It's a brand new, very talented (and perhaps , undiscovered) you.

You rock baby. And can win ANY award you want.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Friday 15 February 2013

What if a meteor does hit, are you READY?

Things to think about..BEFORE a meteor hits.

So Russia has been 'hit' by a meteor.

Isn't that one of those things that you read about or see in a movie?
The kind of 'action' that's just fantasy - but, you KNOW, it's not gonna really happen - right?

Well, wrong apparently.
In our lives , anything is possible and anything could happen.

So the question is - what would you want to have done in your life if you knew a meteor
(or something ) was going to hit?
....and don't think 'It'll never happen' (remember the fateful Tsunami?) ....because it flippin' well could!

Who would you want to be with?
What would you want to have seen?
What about achievements?
How often would you spend time with friends/family?
Who would you want to say 'I love you' or 'I'm sorry' to?
How often would you laugh and have fun...?
...and what other things would you want to do before your time is (potentially) up?

Think about it.
And. Do. It.
Don't put it off for another day.

You never know what will happen - or when - in your life.
No regrets eh?

Straightforward, straight talking coach

Wednesday 16 January 2013

What's 'Beneath your Beautiful'?

Apart from the fact that it is lovely song, Emeli Sande/Labrinth's 'Beneath your Beautiful' holds many truths.

So many people put on a 'front' - a persona, an image of someone they are pretending to be.

At work it can masquerade as 'professionalism' (but too distant).
In the celeb world it often comes out as 'aloofness' .
And in sport - you may well just look like a cocky prat! (sorry but it's true).

...and in all 3, don't be surprised if at some point you go off the rails and down that slippery slope of being angry/ frustrated/ lonely/ depressed.

Do you intend to give out these messages? Er, probably not.  But of course on the inside you feel different to how you look on the outside. So to you ,doing the 'pretending'-  it feels safe - almost a guard behind a big wall.

That, my friends is where there is a problem.

Because in this fast paced world we live in, we don't have the time (or patience) to look beyond the perception and climb the wall. Or try to see what's behind it.

So whilst you feel safe behind your wall of one knows who you really are.

No one can see your strengths
No one can see your  potential
No one can see your real personality
No one can see your real beauty
No one can love the real you.

And THAT, can be not only very isolating, but also means you never. really. shine.

Heck! What kind of a life is that???!!

Whatever reason you have for hiding behind it (and whatever you are afraid of) , there will be a solution for it - Goddammit - GO LOOK FOR IT.

Ask for help if you need to ....but just flippin' do it. (I know, I'm tough on you).

And only then can you start living life as the real you.allowing people to see you 'stripped bare' (ie by quitting the cover up ).

I promise you, when poeple see 'beneath your beautiful' - they find something better.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Sunday 13 January 2013

What's your Ingredient 'X'?......

Here's a short sample from my book:

'The Power of Ingredient 'X'..
..A no nonsense guide on how to stand out from the crowd.'

(Draft sample from Chapter 1)........
Let’s take talent.

We’ve all seen it. A talent contest where the person with the most talent doesn’t win!

Because someone else stands out more. They grab us by our emotions. We want them to win because we like them-not because they are the best at what they do.

 Funny that isn’t it?   

So are people with ‘it’, born with ‘it’?

Hell No!
It’s true that many people develop their own charisma, friendliness, ‘likeability’ from a young age. But that’s the thing-it usually develops over time, and, personal surroundings, family –and circumstances, all play a part.

 Ingredient ‘X’ in Sports


There are many skillful sportspeople out there who have worked for years to get to where they are at. Best in their team, best in their town, best in their country, Olympic medal winners.

 Now, there is no doubting that they are good, and have the ability to win. 

But they sure don’t all show their uniqueness - their Ingredient ‘X’, so we don’t become emotionally engaged and fail to connect with them. And that costs.


‘There is only one David Beckham!’-I hear people say. Not only is he nifty with his feet, he’s sharp when it comes to placing the ball-but let’s be honest-other people can do that, can’t they? ...Only they can’t do it the way David does it. He has the flair and style to go with it. Ok, he looks good physically - which is a huge factor for many (and has earned him a few bob). But he also appears to be (perception is everything baby) a nice guy. And he’s a family man. And he seems patriotic. And he does a lot to help develop young kids’ football skills.

.....And before we know it, he has a cocktail of stuff that makes us like him for more than just football.

 What about Wayne Rooney? Different style. Hungry, aggressive, young, down to earth, ‘boy next door married to girl next door’ type. Different to Beckham-different cocktail again.


What about football managers?

Jose Mourinhio-driven, dashing, powerful leader, fiery, exciting, self- confident, sexy.

Harry Redknapp-caring, ‘safe’, authoritative, ‘fatherly figure’, motivational, respected.


Both different. Both good. Different Ingredient ‘X’ cocktail mixtures.....
(To read more excerpts  follow @coachx on twitter...)
Straightforward,straight talking coach.

Monday 7 January 2013

Say 'No' to New Year Resolutions..

I know, it sounds plain wrong for a coach to be advising you against making plans.
But New Year Resolutions aren't just any old plans - they are the kind we make just for fun.

Aw come on! - You know it's true.
It makes us feel good to think up something, but we know damn well we aren't gonna stick to
them really  (even though we get caught up in the initial burst of excitement).

We do it because it's the thing to do at this time of year.
And you know I'm right so don't kid yourself!

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of having a new start for a new year....but when we label our plans as something traditionally seen as a bit of fun, then all too often the plans are heading down the pan. And then we feel low because we couldn't stick to them!

 So what's the alternative?

1.  Drop the flippin' label (NYResolutions) , and think seriously about what you want to achieve this year (or who you want to be).

2. Only consider putting pen to paper for stuff that is an absolute burning desire (i.e 'I could do to lose a few pounds' is not big or burning enough  to move you into action!).

3. Make them big - but keep it simple. No more than 2/3 goals that you absolutely , desperately, want with a passion to achieve (got that?)..

4. Give yourself some dates to achieve them by. By all means have some interim dates to break your goals down to smaller chunks, but give yourself a deadline to achieve the lot.

5. Don't be hard on yourself. It takes strength, guts and a shed load of encouragement to change behaviour and get something you want. Get help from friends, family, workmates.....just in case you even dare to think about giving up (hell no!).

And if you think you'll need more help than that to get what you want. Get yourself a damn good coach who will push you all the way, and power you on when you have lost the will.

So say 'NO' to fancy resolutions and a blinking big 'YES' to making some personal changes this year.
Shake a leg, and GET. SERIOUS. about. it.

Yeah, I'm harsh.
Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

A note to Ella, and her X Factor friends


So, you were kicked out of The X Factor.

And are probably even now surrounded by people who want to talk to you , promote you , and yes - use you.

My advice is this:

1. Just remember that the overall 'winner' is not necessarily the winner - you have enough talent to forge a fantastic and long lasting career in the business. The real winner is the one who can cope and excel.

2. Stay away from any negative crap (including people). Think you know what I mean - and those people are already causing you to doubt yourself. Don't listen. No one has the right to make you feel bad UNLESS you allow them to.

3.  Your dream is happening now, stay focused on it and stay true to yourself. Be careful of anyone who tries to change who you are (and saying they know best). They don't.

4. Surround yourself with people YOU like and people YOU trust. Everyone needs support - ESPECIALLY when they are under the spotlight. It's a long fall down without it.

5. Keep your feet on the ground - after all , it's 'only' a job (but a great one!). What's really important is having fun, enjoying life and being healthy.

Finally - Well Done Ella. The. World. Is.Your.Oyster.
Take the stage.

....and pass this note on to your friends, they'll need it.

Amana Walker
Straightforward,straight talking coach


Friday 2 November 2012

If you're in the spotlight (or want to be) - read this....

Social networking sites? Oh dear, they are potentially..... bad news for us.

Facebook, Twitter and the rest are meant to help us stay connected to friends, build new relationships and enhance our lives.

But in some instances.... the opposite is happening.

Ever had a negative comment from a photo you've put up of yourself?
How about when you've read something a friend has written about you ...that touched a 'nerve'?

Does it ever feel like other people's lives are so much better than yours?

What about when you look at pictures of celebrities (and even your friends) and in your eyes - you look a total disaster compared to any of them?

The power of social networking is strong. So your belief in yourself - and all you have going for you - has to be even stronger.
If not, you are in danger of being the biggest bully in the world - TO YOURSELF.

So what can you do about it? - here's a few ideas:

1. Whenever you have a camera pointing at you :

think of something funny that will make you smile naturally.

focus your mind on what makes you feel good. If you think 'oh god I look awful today', or 'I hate having my picture taken' - that's exactly what will show up on camera.

2. Find that you are comparing yourself to others?

remember that everyone has little 'gripes' about themselves - but the ones we hear the most (and loudest) are our own. Tell the negative voice in your head to take a running jump, and bring in a voice that only focuses on what is good about you.

all is not what it seems. Celebrities have 'demons' too - and often they are played out in public which magnifies their issues even more. At least we have a degree of privacy - be grateful for that.

3. Read something hurtful about yourself?

stuff is often said in the heat of the moment - and in hindsight is regretted. So don't allow a hurtful comment to linger in your head. It could drag you down unnecessarily.

laugh it off - (at least someone is thinking about you).

remember you are likely to make the situation worse if you join in and 'hit back'. Is it really worth it?

So stay connected for the right reasons, have fun, and remember that you have a 'voice', so you use it wisely .

You get back what you give out in life.

Everyone has a life behind the image - and no ones' is perfect - so don't be fooled by the image you see.

And - Believe In You.

Look for and focus on your best ingredients, anything else just isn't important.
Trust me.


Straightforward, straight talking coach.