Thursday 5 July 2012

'Failing' is good - here's why...

I can't tell you how many people talk to me about wanting to be a success.
But wanting it, and getting it are 2 very different things.

No one is really an overnight sensation, even the people who seem to come from nowhere have usually worked hard for years struggling to make it.

But what's the difference between those who make it and the rest? -

Here it is -
Those who make it , are prepared to, and are not afraid to - fail.

Every knock back they have makes them stronger , every mistake gives them more knowledge, skill , and another way to improve. And every time they fall down, they get right back up again.

Painful? ouch ,yes.  Necessary? hell yes!

The failures they have, contribute to making them successful.

So if you are holding yourself back just in case you might get it wrong, or just in case you make a fool of yourself, or just in case you are not quite ready.... are holding yourself back from being successful. (trust me, I see it all the time).

Want to win, and make it big?:

  • Visualise yourself being where you want to be (as a success). Daily. At least.
  • Expect to get things wrong - and instead of feeling bad, congratulate yourself for at least trying to get it right
  • If anyone tells you you're a 'failure' - you're listening to the wrong person
  • Don't knock yourself (hey there are plenty of people out there who will do that for you!) - be your own best friend and no.1 supporter
  • Tell yourself you will stop at NOTHING to 'get there' (wherever you want to be)
  • Enjoy failing - it means you're on your way to success.

The most successful people fail over and over again - it's the only way.
So, go ahead. Join them.

Straighforward, straight talking coach

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