Monday 14 May 2012

No one can make you feel bad....unless you allow them to.

Walkahead Blog: Social network addict?...Oh dear, danger ahead!: Walkahead Blog: Social network addict?...Oh dear, danger ahead! : Oh dear, because potentially..... it's bad news for us. Social networking ...

Well Done Manchester City! : It's NEVER over, until it's over

Walkahead Blog: It's NEVER over, until it's over: So - well done to Manchester City, well deserved League Champs! Of course, the doubters out there would have said 'it's over, they won'...

It's NEVER over, until it's over

So - well done to Manchester City, well deserved League Champs!

Of course, the doubters out there would have said 'it's over, they won't do it now'.... just because
time was running out, and the odds were stacked against them.

But a winner never quits and , until that final whistle blows, it's all to play for, even if in a nail - biting, fast paced, exciting way.

Life is played out in much the same way.

When there seems to be no hope, most people would give in believing that any effort they make towards achievement and success, is pointless.

Man. City should make us all sit up and take note:

It's never over, until it's over.

Whoever you are, whatever you do.

Only one thing matters: Do you want it badly enough?  

And when I am coaching talent - in sports, showbiz and business-
Everything else is minor detail.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Thursday 10 May 2012

If you're in the spotlight (or want to be) - read this....

Social networking sites? Oh dear, they are potentially..... bad news for us.

Facebook, Twitter and the rest are meant to help us stay connected to friends, build new relationships and enhance our lives.

But in some instances.... the opposite is happening.

Ever had a negative comment from a photo you've put up of yourself?
How about when you've read something a friend has written about you ...that touched a 'nerve'?

Does it ever feel like other people's lives are so much better than yours?

What about when you look at pictures of celebrities (and even your friends) and in your eyes - you look a total disaster compared to any of them?

The power of social networking is strong. So your belief in yourself - and all you have going for you - has to be even stronger.
If not, you are in danger of being the biggest bully in the world - TO YOURSELF.

So what can you do about it? - here's a few ideas:

1. Whenever you have a camera pointing at you :

think of something funny that will make you smile naturally.

focus your mind on what makes you feel good. If you think 'oh god I look awful today', or 'I hate having my picture taken' - that's exactly what will show up on camera.

2. Find that you are comparing yourself to others?

remember that everyone has little 'gripes' about themselves - but the ones we hear the most (and loudest) are our own. Tell the negative voice in your head to take a running jump, and bring in a voice that only focuses on what is good about you.

all is not what it seems. Celebrities have 'demons' too - and often they are played out in public which magnifies their issues even more. At least we have a degree of privacy - be grateful for that.

3. Read something hurtful about yourself?

stuff is often said in the heat of the moment - and in hindsight is regretted. So don't allow a hurtful comment to linger in your head. It could drag you down unnecessarily.

laugh it off - (at least someone is thinking about you).

remember you are likely to make the situation worse if you join in and 'hit back'. Is it really worth it?

So stay connected for the right reasons, have fun, and remember that you have a 'voice', so you use it wisely .

You get back what you give out in life.

Everyone has a life behind the image - and no ones' is perfect - so don't be fooled by the image you see.

And - Believe In You.

Look for and focus on your best ingredients, anything else just isn't important.
Trust me.


Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Social network addict?...Oh dear, danger ahead!

Oh dear, because potentially..... it's bad news for us.

Social networking sites are meant to help us stay connected to friends, build new relationships and enhance our lives.
But in some instances.... the opposite is happening.

Ever had a negative comment from a photo you've put up of yourself?
How about when you've read something a friend has written about you ...that touched a 'nerve'?
Does it ever feel like other people's lives are so much better than yours? 
What about when you look at pictures of celebrities (and even your friends) and in your eyes - you look  a total disaster compared to any of them?

The power of social networking is strong. So your belief in yourself - and all you have going for you - has to be even stronger.   

If not, you are in danger of being the biggest bully in the world - to yourself.

So what can you do about it? - here's a few ideas:

1. Whenever you have a camera pointing at you :
  •  think of something funny that will make you smile naturally.
  •  focus your mind on what makes you feel good.  If you think 'oh god I look awful today', or 'I hate having my picture taken' - that's exactly what will show up on camera.
2. Find that you are comparing yourself to others?
  •   remember that everyone has little 'gripes' about themselves - but the ones we hear the most (and loudest) are our own. Tell the negative voice in your head to take a running jump, and bring in a voice that only focuses on what is good about you.
  •  all is not what it seems. Celebrities have 'demons' too - and often they are played out in public which magnifies their issues even more. At least we have a degree of privacy - be grateful for that.  
3. Read something hurtful about yourself?

  • stuff is often said in the heat of the moment - and in hindsight is regretted. So don't allow a hurtful comment to linger in your head. It could drag you down unnecessarily.
  • laugh it off - (at least someone is thinking about you).
  • remember you are likely to make the situation worse if you join in and 'hit back'. Is it really worth it?  
So stay connected for the right reasons, have fun, and remember that you have a 'voice', so you use it wisely .
You get back what you give out in life.
Everyone has a life behind the image - and no ones' is perfect - so don't be fooled by the image you see.

And - Believe In You.
Look for and focus on your best ingredients, anything else just isn't important.
Trust me.

Want to read more on this subject?  Buy the June edition of 'Bliss' magazine.... and see page 70 . 

Straightforward, straight talking coach.