Friday 13 February 2009

Chris in a crisis

Chris Brown has everything going for him.

Youth, talent, hit records, good looks, personality......and Rhianna.

So whatever it was that got him to fever pitch with his lovely lady, didn't just happen -it had been brewing for a while.(if the allegations of him assaulting her are true of course).

We all have times when our emotions drive us to behavour that we don't like, be it being in a bad mood, not giving our best, or just not making an effort at all. All because we don't manage our own emotional state.

But we can learn to change our state of mind, and we can learn how control how we feel-so if we ever do hit boiling point , it's in an enthususiastic-exciting-positive way.

Here's the simple answer-change your focus. Think of something good, or a time when you felt good. Change the subject, or go somewhere.

Simple, but not easy.

That's why many people -including high profile people, have a coach.

Life is short, don't waste it.


Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.

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