Thursday 19 February 2009

On Air with Radio Humberside

Tune in to Radio Humberside this Saturday morning 21st Feb.

.. and listen to Amana again live on air.

Learn something interesting, ask a question, or just get yourself some free tips.

Friday 13 February 2009

Friday the 13th

So, today is supposed to be one of the unluckiest days of the year-if you are superstitious of course.

And it will be-if that's what you believe.

It will also be very lucky-if that's what you believe.

Here's what's important to believe though-we create our own luck. You might not see 'evidence' straight away, but you will see it.

So I'm have an extremely lucky Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday and Monday and........every day after that!

Focus on what you want from life, not what you don't want-and forget about the 'black cats, and ladders' business.

Make yourself lucky.


Straightforward,StraightTalking Coach.

Chris in a crisis

Chris Brown has everything going for him.

Youth, talent, hit records, good looks, personality......and Rhianna.

So whatever it was that got him to fever pitch with his lovely lady, didn't just happen -it had been brewing for a while.(if the allegations of him assaulting her are true of course).

We all have times when our emotions drive us to behavour that we don't like, be it being in a bad mood, not giving our best, or just not making an effort at all. All because we don't manage our own emotional state.

But we can learn to change our state of mind, and we can learn how control how we feel-so if we ever do hit boiling point , it's in an enthususiastic-exciting-positive way.

Here's the simple answer-change your focus. Think of something good, or a time when you felt good. Change the subject, or go somewhere.

Simple, but not easy.

That's why many people -including high profile people, have a coach.

Life is short, don't waste it.


Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

How to be an A* in life- after school....

There are so many articles and newspaper reports about how our teenagers are excelling in school (and yes, some schools results are also going down in).

What we don't see though, is how well prepared young people are for LIFE-like, how to have great results in the subjects of :confidence, self esteem, common courtesy, winning people over (of all ages) and standing out for the right reasons-and not just exam results!

...It's because of this, and using our experience working within schools with young people-that WalkAhead is delivering unique, fun, short sessions for students aged 15 years and over.

Ask your school to get in touch with us.

It'school to have a coach.


Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.

How To Change (Job) Direction-On Air with KCFM (3)

In this 3rd slot in the series , we talked about changing direction.

Of course, this isn't just for people out of work now-it's for anyone who is in a job they don't want to be in!

It's a brave thing changing direction-not many people do it because it really is easier to stay where you are-in the job you've always done or known, or in the line of work you've always known.

But that doesn't mean you are doing what you really want to be doing now does it?

So many people I have coached over the years tell me that 'if they had their time over again'-they'd do something very different. So why wait? Now is a good time to be brave-there is lots of help and support on offer -all you have to decide is what you want to do.

What if you don't know what you want to do?.....then think about what you love doing, what you might be good at, or where you think your strenghths lie (ask a pal if you have to).

Here's some of the key points we covered on air today:

  • What holds us back?-Things like... fear of failure, lack of money, low self esteem. And yet there are ways to overcome every obstacle put in your way-you just need to have a strong enough will and desire to do it.

  • Listening to others isn't always a good thing-although their hearts are in the right place, our friends and family often tell us what they think we should do, and discourage us from change. And that's (sometimes) because they wouldn't dare do it themselves!-or believe it can happen, and so they hold you back. Only you know what you want-so listen, and choose who and what you will take notice of. It's the only way !

  • The power of focus and intention-when you totally focus on and intend to do something, you change your 'emotional state'-and that's when you get your adrenalin going! Now that will spur you on to action-but you must keep focused on where you are going. Have a few photos of something that reminds you of where you are heading. Look at it every day at least once a day. Eg a picture of a new office building (your dream of having your own business), or a drawing of you having achieved your ambition. Whenever you feel like giving up-look at them again and remind yourself of how you will feel when you have achieved your ambition. Think also of the consequences if you end up going back to 'your old type of job'.

  • Get practical help-There is help everywhere-you just have to find what's right for you. Examples are..Colleges (free courses?), job centre (free advice), Business Link (new business) Seminars (free ones coming soon from Business Link!), the internet (masses of free info-do your research). Find a mentor! Someone who has been there and done it-ask for a bit of their time to get their advice. If you're polite and can be patient-they'll try and oblige.

  • Recession is ripe for change- Many people succeed in times of hardship. If you hit on an idea that people need or want, you will be on to a winner! If you have redundancy money-use it wisely, set yourself up, don't spend unnecessarily, learn new stuff. You know 'change is as good as a rest'...and in the last great depression, more millionaires were made than ever. Food for thought.

  • Overcome your own objections -Ok, this is the toughest one. You may be your own worst enemy-and give yourself plenty of reasons why you 'can't'. So make a plan. Write down where you want to be in 6months/ 1 years time. Write down all the ways you can think of to achieve it. Think about how to earn money to keep you going (casual jobs, temp jobs etc). Give yourself some self confidence-other people do it-why can't you?

One of the biggest reasons why our coaches are used so much is to help businesses become more productive and successful, and to help individuals (including high profile people and sportspeople) to get to-or remain at- the top of their game.

Whoever you are-the only things that are holding you back from change is whatever obstacles and fears you have in your head.

Will it be easy? Hell no!

But if you are really up for living the life you've always wanted-it's worth it.

Amana x

Straightforward, Straighttalking Coach.

Coming soon....

Tips and talking points from KCFM's after 1100 from Tuesday 3rd Feb