Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Walkahead Blog: The dangers of talking too much...

Walkahead Blog: The dangers of talking too much...: I can't believe just how many people fall into this category.     Yes, we are living in a world with information/ technology/online overloa...

The dangers of talking too much...

I can't believe just how many people fall into this category.    

Yes, we are living in a world with information/ technology/online overload  - but now we have a growing number of people who are adding 'talk' to the noise.

Here's a test for you - ask someone a simple question, and see how longer their answer is.
How many get straight to the point?
The dangers of people who talk too much are huge, so without risking talking too much, here's a few

1. They risk losing the plot and end up talking nonsense.
2. They isolate you and are not interested in listening to you.
3. Even if they are interested - they don't stop for you to speak (That's just rude).
4. They build a reputation (and it ain't a good one).
5. Their self awareness is pants.
6. And if they are self aware - hell, they have a big ego!

 So if you are one of these people. Get. Help. Fast.

If you know someone like this - forward this blog post on to them.

Not only would you be doing them a huge favour, you'd be helping to save the world.
It's not (just) about saving our ears. I'm talking about sanity and emotional well being for all.

Who's with me on this?

Straightforward, straight talking coach.


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Walkahead Blog: How do you know when a Footballer is in crisis?......

Walkahead Blog: How do you know when a Footballer is in crisis?......: ....Usually you don't. Until they hit rock bottom that is - then everyone knows because it hits the papers. But that's (arguably) too lat...