Wednesday 25 January 2012

How do you know when a Footballer is in crisis?........

....Usually you don't.

Until they hit rock bottom that is - then everyone knows because it hits the papers.
But that's (arguably) too late.

Struggling to cope can be picked up much earlier than that, often there are tell tale signs that build up over a long period of time. Signs such as these:

1. Withdrawal from being around people(including family)
2. Moods becoming inconsistent for no apparent reason
3. 'Lashing out' and shouting at the slightest thing.
4. A growing dependance on .......(fill in the gap with drink, clubbing, sex, drugs etc).
5. A spiralling downturn in performance

At first it seems like the person is having an 'off day' and no real attention is given.
But if someone did pay closer attention, and looked at the detail in body language -
they'd know.
They'd know that here is a cry for help.

There are many footballers/ sportspeople/ celebrities .....(yes and people like you and I) out there all showing the tell tale signs.

You'll get to know of course. When it hits the papers. And when you are well known, that makes for juicy news and this magnifies the problem even more.

Many will argue that these people 'get paid enough' to handle it. But at times like these, money is often the root of the problem - it's a vicious circle!

For all the money being thrown at the sports and entertainment business - it's a sad day when not enough is thrown at picking people up when they are down.

Or dropped from the team.

'Championship' and 'Premiership' doesn't seem to apply to the players' level of care and well being.
Not all good businesses take care of their 'assets'.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

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