Monday 25 February 2013

Enough talent to win a flippin' OSCAR...

I've watched enough celebrities...and everyday people like you and me, all yearning to be different. Or better .
It's almost as if the current person they are isn't good enough. Doesn't stand out enough. And doesn't make them happy enough.

If you feel like that - I'd like to challenge you - and also reassure you.

We have become SO good at comparing ourselves to others, it 's easy to want to change.
But into what?
For who?
And ...WHY?

Let me take a good look at you. And into you.


Here's what I see - someone who can't see just what they have going for them. Someone who has lost their sparkle (or had it knocked out of them). Someone who has fooled themselves into thinking that they are not good enough. You have enough ingredients in you to set the world on fire. You have the tools to achieve anything you want, and your external image is just 'packaging' - if you want to dabble with that - that's OK.

It's what is inside that's the real you. And the real you has TALENT.

Don't change what you have - just FIND it.
(It's buried under a pile of doubt). But it's there alright - oh yeah.

Here's how (part 1)...

1. Get a piece of paper and write on it, all the things that you would change about yourself.
2. Now tear it up and shove it in the bin.
3. Get a piece of paper and write on it 3 things that you think were once great about you.
4. For everything you have written that's good . Remind yourself that those things are still in there, or you're still capable of doing/getting/ being 'it'.
5. At the top of your piece of paper - write the sentence : 'The brand new me'

Don't change what you have - just find it.

No one can make you feel bad, unless YOU allow them to. So why would you?

Worked for Alicia Keys....and will work for you:

'..It's just a brand new kinda me
Can't be bad
I found a brand new kinda free..'

Don't change what you have - just FIND it.
It's a brand new, very talented (and perhaps , undiscovered) you.

You rock baby. And can win ANY award you want.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Friday 15 February 2013

What if a meteor does hit, are you READY?

Things to think about..BEFORE a meteor hits.

So Russia has been 'hit' by a meteor.

Isn't that one of those things that you read about or see in a movie?
The kind of 'action' that's just fantasy - but, you KNOW, it's not gonna really happen - right?

Well, wrong apparently.
In our lives , anything is possible and anything could happen.

So the question is - what would you want to have done in your life if you knew a meteor
(or something ) was going to hit?
....and don't think 'It'll never happen' (remember the fateful Tsunami?) ....because it flippin' well could!

Who would you want to be with?
What would you want to have seen?
What about achievements?
How often would you spend time with friends/family?
Who would you want to say 'I love you' or 'I'm sorry' to?
How often would you laugh and have fun...?
...and what other things would you want to do before your time is (potentially) up?

Think about it.
And. Do. It.
Don't put it off for another day.

You never know what will happen - or when - in your life.
No regrets eh?

Straightforward, straight talking coach