Wednesday 27 July 2011

Walkahead Blog: It's Bad News

Walkahead Blog: It's Bad News: " ..."

It's Bad News


Every day I look at a newspaper.
Everyday I see the news.

Everyday it's always the same  story....   
It's. Bad. News.

Sometimes it's shockingly upsetting, and sometimes we're shocked with anger.
Is our world becoming the pits to live in, or is it that because of technology...we just hear about more stuff?

We could blame the press, but they are doing their job (OK, some of them badly), we could blame a number of things that causes the stories, like:

- Alcohol
......actually, let's just stop there.

But what if we are to blame - for the effects it has on us?. Yep you and I.
What if we take in too much, absorb it, hold onto it , and then become part of the downward spiral ourselves? Isn't it possible that we make ourselves unhappy as a result of being emotionally involved with the world? And then we spread it (unknowingly).

I love technology(ok, I'm no boff).
But if using it gives us access to more bad news, shouldn't we be regulating ourselves?
After all, we can't stop the technology machine . But we can limit ourselves to how much 'bad stuff' (including 'celebrity' news) we consume can't we?

You know what I think is really the bad news? How much we all now- in some shape or form- need help because we can't stop looking at news. Traditional , or otherwise (twitter, facebook, texting - yep even blogging!). More people are struggling to cope with their lives than ever before. Stress, pressure, lack of confidence, feeling inadequate, etc, etc

Our world is actually a fab place to be (I don't fancy the look of Mars), and yes, sadly there is awful stuff happening every day, but in order to help others, we need to help ourselves first.
We can do that by looking for what might be good news - there's plenty of it out there, and becoming a stronger, more positive influence on people's lives. That's when we can really help others.

Switch your conversation to talking about good stuff (acknowledge the bad - but don't labour on it - it will drag you down.).

Make yourself someone who is damn good to be around, not someone who is themselves, Bad News.

Just my opinion of course.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

Monday 18 July 2011

Walkahead Blog: A Lesson From Darren Clarke....

Walkahead Blog: A Lesson From Darren Clarke....: "Here's a lesson for all of us. ..."

A Lesson From Darren Clarke....

Here's a lesson for all of us.                                                                        
But it's a particularly good lesson for all those people who want success or fame FAST.

Darren has been a great golfer for many years, and has had lots of success along the way, but he hasn't won as big a tournament as The Open.

Until now.

As every golfer knows, you can play well and not win, and over the 20 or so years that Darren has been playing, some would say that his finest days were over. They won't be saying that now.

Darren has shown the world - and , more importantly, himself - that major success can come at anytime , as long as you are ready for it. Over the years Darren has been through some heart wrenchingly difficult times and you could argue that he wasn't ready to win big.

Now, having turned a few mental and emotional corners he is at his best and absolutely deserves the attention and acclaim he is being given.

So for those of you who dream of reaching your goals - take a lesson from Darren that has nothing to do with golf:

1. Never, ever, give up on your dream.

2. There is no such thing as 'too old'.

3. Dream big - make it worth holding out for.

4. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you through  thick and thin.

5. In your darkest hour, and in the face of adversity -  refuse to be crushed. 

6. Success isn't for the young. It's for those who want it the most, and who are ready.

7. Anything is possible, keep looking for ways to make it happen.

8. Stay cool, have fun. It shows, and wins you support and admirers.

9. It's not about the golf. It's about you as a person.

10. Never give up. Ever.

Well done Darren. For proving so many people wrong, for achieving something special and for giving hope to everyone.

A lesson learned.

Straightforward, straight talking coach.