Monday 28 February 2011

And The Winner, is.....

How must that feel to have your name called as the 'winner'...the one who has beaten off the competition, the one who has stood out above all others?

Wow. For some people it's a life defining moment. For many , it's a dream that will never happen. They don't believe they will ever be the One.

I disagree. Totally.

I believe that anyone who puts their mind to it, who does what it takes, who can stay the course and overcome the obstacles, can do it. I'm not talking about winning an Oscar by the way (unless that's what your big goal is), I'm talking about achieving the success that you dream about.Whatever it is, in whatever field you are in.
Almost every day I sit in front of people who are succesful at what they do. However- they are still not doing their best, and that's where I come in. Before you can really hit the big time, you kinda need to know who you are and what you've got going for yourself.

So firstly, you need answers to the following:

o What is it about me that stands out?
o What do I do (or could do) better than anyone I know?
o How much do I use my uniqueness ?
o Where do I want to be - and what's stopping me from being there right now?

Secondly, you need someone pushing you , supporting you with your goals, and not letting go until you are there. Someone who will inspire you when the going gets tough, but won't judge you when you make mistakes. That's a tricky one. But there are plenty of people out there who are brilliant, and one of them will be right for you. Find that person!

Thirdly. you need to mentally prepare for success. Think only about winning. Think only about being the best you can possibly be. Get rid of any negativity, doubt, and false reasons why you can't do it. Holding onto a winning mentality will drive you forward.

Get ready, get excited.

Because The Winner , is......YOU.

What are you waiting for?
Amana x
Straightforward, straight talking coach.