Monday 21 September 2009

The Book...I'm on my way

I've decided to write a book. I know many people say this and don't get very far, but because I'm letting you know about it-that in itself will force me to do it.

After all, I'm not going to embarrass myself in front of you (and me) am I?

So I'm ready, and determined to write an interesting, exciting and sometimes funny book.

And I'm also going to blog for you on how it's going-warts and all-and if you have any inspiration along the way for me, I'd love to hear it. I'm not a born writer so would welcome comments.
(see my vid below too!).

What's it about? Oh yes, nearly forgot.

I'm writing about a subject that I'm very passionate about-and, because of the amount of coaching I've done over the years, I'm also knowledgeable about.

'Ingredient X'

The book is about why and how some people stand out above the crowd. Not just celebrities, famous people, sports people and so on.....but everyday people.

It will be a guide to how you can find your ingredient 'X'-the magic. The factor-or factors-that make people instantly connect with you.

Your world then, changes dramatically. And you start to achieve whatever it is you want.

Straightforward Coach

Thursday 17 September 2009

How do you become famous?

So you want to be famous?-so how do you do it?

Well there are a series of steps to take, but I'm going to give you 1 tip here.

Just 1.
But it's a big one. No, the biggest.

Check it out on the video. If you want more...let me know.

Straighttalking coach

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Something new-just for you

Ok. I've decided to get my little old self on video.

I'm no goddess or screen star-BUT-I do have something brewing just for you. And of course I have coached hundreds of people from all walks of life-Shhhh! I never mention names....

I'll be posting messages, tips and ideas ,all of which are designed to get you the direction you really would rather be going. Sometimes it will be a kick up the ass, and I might even 'set your trousers on fire' to move you fast-but mostly, yes mostly-it will be encouraging and motivational.

You see I want you to be a huge success, earn tons of money, be a famous artist or sportsperson or find the partner of your dreams-or, heck-just enjoy yor life more than you currently are.

Interested in that?

Hope so (or I'll be talking to myself). Of course if you want a specific question answering-feel free to drop me a line,and I'll reply via my video messages.

The taster starts here...with more tasty bites to come...

Straightforward Coach.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Football?-It's all in the head

Top flight football.

Everybody has an opinion on how should be played.

Very few get it right.

Gone are the days when a bit of fancy footwork would get you into the team, lot's of young lads can do that now.

It's amazing how a fabulously expensive team of players get out there and strutt their stuff, but end the game diasppointing and disappointed. Why don't they win? Why do they fail to impress?

Here's why.

Being a fantastic footballer only gets you to the starting line. Being fit is a given.

To stand out-you have to use your head.....more specifically, your mind.

Competitive 'edgeing' is increasingly about how you manage your thoughts, which control your emotions and behaviour-which when translated into footwork and movement-makes the difference. And Hell, what a difference it makes!.

Only the footballers who make the best of this combination, will set the world alight.

The ones who come onto the pitch visually 'hungry' to win. The ones whose body language is alive with passion and determination.

Some of them need help controlling their fire (Wayne Rooney?). It's not anger management they need-it's passion management.

There are some great football teams in our nation. But surprisingly, only a few individuals will ever really stand out.

And all because they don't take mindset management seriously enough. But they will, sadly for some, when it's too late. Football -and let's be honest, any other sport-the secret is, it's all in your head.


Straightforward, straighttalking Coach

Monday 7 September 2009

Pricey Behaviour from Katie Price?

You know, I admire anyone (male or female) who makes something of themselves-and for that reason, Katie Price is amongst the best of them.

How she chooses to live, and who she chooses to be with, is nobody's business but her own.

How she behaves though-is everyone's business.

Having become public property (which serves her well), she is open to strutiny even when she doesn't want it-and that, especially when the public don't like what they see, is how the cookie crumbles.

It's all well and good her believing she is a normal girl living a normal life, but she isn't, is she?

If of course she starts to lose her support (is that happening now??) and fame-then she will become more like a normal girl-which she doesn't want. After all, she's worked hard for years to get where she is today.

Winning the 'game'.....

It's simple -but not easy. All her fans want to see is a girl who isn't self centred (I don't think she is really), someone who puts her children before everything, and someone who doesn't have to prove she can get any man she wants.

Sometimes, being stripped bare (no pun intended) is what's needed to rebuild your life, and win more support than ever. Then everyone-but mainly you- wins.

Emotions can only be covered up for so long. To win the game of support and likeability, you have to show a side that hasn't been seen before-vulnerability, humility-but still maintain your inner strength.

...Or you can ignore this, and carry on exactly the way you are....

Now that will be Pricey.


Straightforward,straighttalking coach