Friday 25 April 2008

Are you worth voting for?

Interesting isn't it?
Millions are glued to the news coverage of the race for the Whitehouse.
It may be a top story-but it's also damn good entertainment! I mean-whilst we are gripped by the different styles of candidates and how well they are 'performing'-we are all the while making up our own minds as to who we would vote for oursleves.

Some vote for sound policies. Others for experience and knowledge, with the hope that the country would be in a 'safe pair of hands'.

But many , are leaning towards the guy with the least amount of experience. And...not necessarily voting for his policies-they are voting for him.
Because they like him.
Yep-he appeals to them 'emotionally'-something which is becoming more and more important in society today. Without knowing a person, we are making judgements based on what we see, hear and get this, what we feel.
But 'buying' the person before we buy what they can do or offer, is nothing new. That's been going on for centuries.

Ok, if winning people over is such a big deal then(and it is)-how well do you do?
Would people vote for you?
Are you instantly 'likeable'?
Do you have that something special? charisma? warm personality?

Here's 5 tips from the coach to get you ahead:

1. Instantly be attractive. Look good in your clothes-fit in with the envirnoment, but at the same time find a way to stand out. You can do this by looking stylish, being well groomed, and- get a smile on your face! It's priceless.

2. Look people in the eye when you are talking to them, acknowledging them or walking towards them. Not in an 'eyeballing' way-in a way that says you are interested in them. People like to feel that the attention is on them-so give them it when you are talking to them.

3. Allow people to speak-don't interrupt. Ask questions-find out a bit about them. Genuinely want to get to know them. Look and sound keen to be there. Find something you might have in common.

4. Be enthusiastic. Body language is everything. If you are 'going through the motions'-beware-you will look like a fraud. And mind your manners! Please, thank you, excuse me etc.....being nice is not weak-it's a winner.

5. Talk to people like you are talking to a friend. That way you will seem approachable and warm. People don't want to listen to speeches-they want to hear the real person.

So if you really do want to be a 'winner' -better start thinking about how impressive you really are! When you can win people over, you can go a long way.

Amana. x

Success Coach