Wednesday 15 June 2011

..Are you halfway there yet?....

Yep, we're halfway through  the year already....

           ...And there are 2 big questions to ask yourself.

....and the first one is this: 

1. How badly do I want it (whatever it is you had hoped to achieve that is)?

One of the biggest reasons we give up are because our desire is not big enough, or strong enough to help us overcome the obstacles and challenges that pop up along the way. But when you want something badly - trust me, you'll find a way, and nothing will stop you until you get there.

....and the second big question to ask yourself is this:

2. What are the consequences if I give up on trying?

One very possible consequence is that you and your life will be the same as it is now, at the end of the year. Of course you could start your 'plan of action' again in January - but c'mon- you may not stick to that either! If you are happy to be in the same situation at the end of the year, then that's ok. But let's not kid ourselves, you're not going to be happy with that , are you?

....And hey, the consequences if you don't give up are endless- and could be fantastic.

Your choice!

But given that we are in the middle of the year, you have every reason and still time to get what you want.

Give up or get going - but make a decision either way. Just don't let this moment in time pass you by. Pull out your plan of action (or make a new one) and commit to following through on those things you promised yourself to do.

If you need a 'prod' or goddammit, a 'kick' - to get moving (don't we all sometimes?), find someone who believes in you and will support you .

But make the next 6 months make up for lost time in the last 6 months.

The clock is ticking....

Straightforward, straight talking coach.

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